Freedom Membership with Cindy Ashton
Songs and stories to lift you up, exclusive behind the scenes, the opportunity to connect with like-minded souls and more. Below is a snippet of what you'll get from this tier:
Early access to updates, tickets and releases
Access Our Private Telegram Group
Social Media Shout Outs
Unlock exclusive posts and messages.
Voting Power on future content and songs
Exclusive behind the scenes
Monthly Meditation, Visioning or Relaxation Exercise
Personalized Birthday Song
Monthly Speak from Your Power® Video or Template
Month to Month. Cancel Anytime.
Liberessence/Cindy Ashton. (EI) SIRET: 982 751 828 00012, 20 Rue Jean-Baptiste Pigalle, Paris, France 75009, Whatsapp: +33 06 59 77 21 98